WOD: Wednesday 29th August

20 minute AMRAP:
10 pull ups
10 TTB
20 air squats

This push-pull mover will test your gymnastics capacity. Each movement uses different muscle groups, so you’ll get a chance to recover before each move comes around again.

Handstand push ups: if you have HSPU, but not very many, reduce the volume. If you don’t have HSPU, either scale to down dog HSPU or regular push ups (on a box if needed)
Pull ups: volume can be reduced, or scale to jumping pull ups
Toes to bar: scale to hanging knee raises if you can’t do linked TTB

Top tip:
Pick a scale and number of reps that you can do unbroken for the first couple of rounds. If/when you need to break up the reps, take short breaks, remember you’ll get a decent amount of rest for each muscle group before that movement comes around again.