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20 minute AMRAP:
10 pull ups
10 TTB
20 air squats

This push-pull mover will test your gymnastics capacity. Each movement uses different muscle groups, so you’ll get a chance to recover before each move comes around again.

Handstand push ups: if you have HSPU, but not very many, reduce the volume. If you don’t have HSPU, either scale to down dog HSPU or regular push ups (on a box if needed)
Pull ups: volume can be reduced, or scale to jumping pull ups
Toes to bar: scale to hanging knee raises if you can’t do linked TTB

Top tip:
Pick a scale and number of reps that you can do unbroken for the first couple of rounds. If/when you need to break up the reps, take short breaks, remember you’ll get a decent amount of rest for each muscle group before that movement comes around again.

Our Foundations course is designed to provide technique-focused coaching on the basic movements you’ll encounter in our main classes and we strongly encourage all new members to complete the course if they aren’t already experienced in weightlifting, gymnastics and exercising at high intensity.

The course consists of 4 sessions, each covering a different selection of movements.

Each session is fully coached and the class is capped at 6 people to ensure everyone receives full attention and individual feedback.

Each class will focus on 2-3 movements, with the majority of the session performed at very light load, concentrating on movement patterns and teaching you how to move safely and efficiently. Each class will end with a short, high-intensity workout.

Movements covered during the course include:
> Squat
> Deadlift
> Press
> Clean & Jerk
> Snatch
> Kettlebell & dumbbell basics
> Gymnastics basics
> Run & row technique

Foundations courses are appropriate for all levels and are a great way to gain confidence in these key movements in a friendly environment.