50 back squats (60/40kg)
400m run
40 back squats (70/45kg)
400m run
30 back squats (80/50kg)
400m run
20 back squats (90/60kg)
400m run
10 back squats (100/70kg)
Slecet weights that enable you to do big sets (or go unbroken) on the back squats. Increase load every round.
Top tip:
This is a long, leggy slog; take the run at recovery pace.
A) 3RM hang snatch
B) 10 min EMOM
5 DB push press each arm (22.5/15kg)
max DB lunge in remaining time
DB – select a lighter weight if you can’t comfortably move thorugh 5 unbroken
Top tip:
Start the push press as soon as the clock beeps for the start of the minute. It will quickly get miserable if you wait
A) 10 minute EMOM: pull ups
Pick a number you can hold for all 10 rounds. Work on your kipping or butterfly pull ups if you have at least 5 strict pull ups; otherwise do strict pull ups or banded pull ups
B) “Annie”
> double unders
> sit ups
DUs – reduce volume of double unders or do 100-80-60-40-20 sungle unders if needed
Top tip:
Try to keep relaxed on the double unders and get through the sit-ups unbroken if you can
Inspired by May’s member of the month, Dan Anderson!
> deadlifts (70/50kg)
> push ups
*15/12 cal row every 3:00. Start with the row
Deadlift – reduce weight if needed
Push ups – go from knees if needed
Row – 50 second time cap
Top tip:
Aim to do as few sets on the row as possible. Keep rest short if you need to break the deadlifts or push ups.
100 double unders
90 air squats
80 skaters
70 lunges (22.5/15kg)
60 KBS (24/16kg)
50 sit ups
40 DB thrusters (15/10kg)
30 push ups
20 pull ups
10 burpees
DU – do 300 single skips if you don’t have double unders
DBs/KB – reduce the weight of the DBs/KB if needed
Push ups – do these on your knees if needed
Pull ups – sclae to ring rows if you don’t have pull ups yet
Top tip:
Just keep moving! Once each movement’s done you can move on and forget about it.
A) 3RM thruster
B) “Jackie”
1,000m row
50 thrusters (20kg)
30 pull ups
Thrusters – the weight is the same for men and women and should feel very light. Reduce weight if needed.
Pull ups – scale to jumping pull ups if needed
Top tip:
Don’t go too hard on the row; you should be able to pick up the bar and do a big set of thrusters straight away. Manage your rest on the thrusters and pull ups.