WOD: Wednesday 23rd January

A) 12 min alt EMOM:
1. 5 strict TTB
2. 10 Russian twists
3. 10 hollow rocks

B) 4 rounds 2:00 on / 1:00 off
30 second row sprint buy-in, then AMRAP:
> 4 SB to shoulder (50/30kg)
> 8 thrusters (42.5/30kg)

In part B, always start with the row, then as many rounds of SB/thrusters as you can in the remaining 90 seconds.

TTB – reduce volume or scale to candlesticks
SB – select a wegiht you can move quickly
Thrusters – select a weight that’s comfortable for 8 unbroken reps

Top tip:
To get the intended stimulus you should go HARD on the row. Get straight on to the slamball and then hold on for the thrusters. Get as many reps as possible in round 1, and then try to hit the same in rounds 2,3 & 4.