WOD: Monday 7th January

12 rounds – 1:30 on / 1:30 off

Run* plus max:
A) Slamball to shoulder (50/30kg)
B) KBS (24/16kg)
C) Burpees
alternating between A, B, C each round

* Run distance increases every 3 rounds:
1-3: 80m
4-6: 120m
7-9: 160m
10-12: 200m

Slamball: use a weight you can move confidently
KBS: use a weight you can do at least 20 unbroken when fresh

Top tip:
Start moving on the ball/KBS/burpees as soon as you get back from the run. As the run distance increases, your time on the work station gets shorter, so get as many reps as possible. You’ll have plenty of time to get your breath back in the rest interval.