WOD: Monday 1st October

2 rounds: 90 secs on / 90 secs rest

Run 200m plus max:
1. Burpees
2. Kettlebell swings (24/16kg)
3. Goblet squats (24/16kg)
4. Split jumps
5. DB snatch (22.5/15kg)

This interval workout gives you sufficient rest to hit each round fresh(ish!). You’ll run 200m and then complete as many reps of the next movement as you can in the remaining time of 90 seconds. Aim to keep your run pace consistent – you should be able to move straight onto the next movement.

All movements should be at a scale that enables you to keep moving without too much rest. You can use a lighter kettlebell or dumbbell if you need to and the split jumps can be scaled to stepping lunges if jumping isn’t happening.

Top tip:
Find your run pace! The key to this type of workout is finding a run pace which is hard, but doesn’t leave you so gassed that you can’t go striaght onto the next movement. Use the workout as an opportunity to test what that pace is for you.