WOD: Friday 21st September

A) Deadlift 10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10

B) 100 push ups, 15 sit ups every time you break (10 min cap)

The deadlift is the focus today; progressively adding weight as the reps reduce. On the way back down the pyramid, aim to lift slightly more than you did for the same rep range on the way up (e.g. 10@50kg, 8@60kg, 6@70kg, 4@80kg, 2@90kg, 4@85kg, 6@75kg, 4@65kg, 10@55kg)

Push ups – if you can’t do at least 10 perfect push ups from the floor, use a box 

Top tip:
Focus on maintaining the same mechanics on the deadlift throughout the pyramid.