WOD: Wednesday 6th February

3 x 8 min AMRAPs (2 min rest between AMRAPs)

1. 20 DB snatch (22.5/15kg) + 10 burpee over DB
2. 10 pull ups + 5 SB over shoulder (50/30kg)
3. 10 thrusters (42.5/30kg) + 20/18 cal row

DB – pick a weight you can keep moving for 20 reps unbroken
Pull ups – reduce the volume or do ring rows if you don’t have pull ups yet
Slamball – you should be able to move the weight confidently, reduce weight if needed
Thrusters – pick a weight that enables you to do at least the first set unbroken

Top tip:
Move at a manageable pace throughout; don’t go out too hard in round 1!