WOD: Tuesday 4th September
32 minute alternating EMOM:
1) 10 strict pull ups
2) 10 DB bench press (30/20kg)
3) 10 strict TTB
4) 10 devils press (15/10kg)
Do the prescribed work in each minute and then rest until the next minute starts. Each movement will be done 8 times in total
Pull ups – if you can do some strict pull ups, reduce the number of reps each round. If you don’t have pull ups yet, do ring rows instead, focusing on a great body position – keeping the body in a straight line thorughout
Bench press – reduce the DB weight to one you can hold 10 reps unbroken
TTB – either reduce the volume or scale to candlesticks
Devils press – reduce the DB weight to one you can move consistently through 10 reps. Reduce the reps if you can’t do 10 in 50 seconds.
Top tip:
Volume is high on this workout, so pick a number you think you can hold for all 8 rounds. Don’t over-egg it in round 1!