WOD: Thursday 6th September

3 rounds, 1 minute on each station:

1. Kettlebell swing (24/16kg)
2. Push press (35/25kg)
3. Double unders
4. DB snatch (22.5/15kg)
5. Burpees
6. Rest

The clock doesn’t stop, so transition quickly from one movement to the next

KBS / Push press / DB snatch – you should be able to do 20 unbroken reps when fresh. Reduce weight accordingly.
Double unders – if you’re still learning double unders, do as many as you can in the first 30 seconds, then single unders for the remaining time. If you don’t have double unders yet, substitute for slow-jump single unders for the whole minute.

Top tip:
Transition quickly from one movement to the next. This is a shoulder burner, use your legs as much as possible in the swings, snatch and push press.