1-10-1 pyramid> Slamball to shoulder (50/30kg)
> Slamball squat
Time cap: 20 minutes
Alternate shoulders each rep and keep the slamball on your shoulder for the squats.
Slamball – reduce weight to one you can keep moving
Top tip:
Each round, complete all slamball to shoulders but one, then take a short breather before completing the final slamball to shoulder and completing the squats. Try to keep the squats unbroken to avoid picking the ball up more times than necessary!
Our Foundations course is designed to provide technique-focused coaching on the basic movements you’ll encounter in our main classes and we strongly encourage all new members to complete the course if they aren’t already experienced in weightlifting, gymnastics and exercising at high intensity.The course consists of 4 sessions, each covering a different selection of movements.
Each session is fully coached and the class is capped at 6 people to ensure everyone receives full attention and individual feedback.
Each class will focus on 2-3 movements, with the majority of the session performed at very light load, concentrating on movement patterns and teaching you how to move safely and efficiently. Each class will end with a short, high-intensity workout.
Movements covered during the course include:
> Squat
> Deadlift
> Press
> Clean & Jerk
> Snatch
> Kettlebell & dumbbell basics
> Gymnastics basics
> Run & row technique
Foundations courses are appropriate for all levels and are a great way to gain confidence in these key movements in a friendly environment.
Every 30 seconds for 15 minutes:1 Clean & Jerk
Today’s class is all about technique and building consistency, with one perfect rep every 30 seconds.
We’ll spend time coaching the clean & jerk and you should build to a weight you feel comfortable hitting every rep with good form.
Obstacle race.
8 rounds off 4:0015/12 cal row
15 thrusters (35/25kg)
150m run
This interval session will tax the legs and your mental capacity to keep going.
The row should be a sprint, the thrusters should be unbroken and get that run done to give yourself maximum rest before the next round begins!
Row – the row will be capped at 40 seconds. If you haven’t hit 15/12 calories by that time in round 1, use however many calories you have rowed as your target.
Thruster – these should be light enough to know you can pick the bar straight up and do 15 unbroken. Reduce the weight accordingly.
Top tip:
Pick the bar up as soon as you get off the rower. The thrusters should be a chance to get your breath back; standing around before you pick it up won’t help. Get those thrusters done and give yourself extra rest at the end of the round instead so you can hit the row hard each time.
10-20-30-40-30-20-10split jumps
air squats
mountain climbers
Time cap: 30 minutes
This bodyweight mover works a little bit of everything. The aim is to hold a consistent pace throughout.
Split jumps – the focus is the jump, so reduce range if you need to, but keep the jump high!
Push-ups – this is a high volume workout with 160 reps in total. Scale to knees if you can’t comfortably hold sets of 10.
Top tip:
Find a steady pace and try not to break any movements except the push-ups. Always break push-ups a couple of reps before failure.
20-minute AMRAP:5 power clean (70/50kg)
10 burpee box jump over (24/20″)
15 air squat
This workout is all about the legs and the focus is the power clean under fatigue. Try to maintain explosive power.
Power clean – pick a weight you can keep moving. It’s fine to do these in singles, but you should be able to step back to the bar pretty quickly.
BBJO: lower the height or step up if needed
Top tip:
Find a steady pace on the BBJO and air squats