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A) Back squat 3,3,3,3,3,3

B) 50-40-30-20-10 double unders
     25-20-15-10-5 toes to bar

The focus today is the back squat, building weight with each set. After that we’ll do some skill work on double unders and toes to bar.

Double unders – if you have big set of double unders yet, either reduce the volume or do double the number of single skips
Toes to bar – scale to knees to elbows if you can’t link toes to bar. If you don’t want to hang, double the number and do sit ups instead

Top tip:
Take pleanty of rest between the squats, 2-3 minutes.


CrossFit loves an acronym… have you ever looked at the WOD (workout of the day) and thought “WTF?!”. If so, read on… they’ll be rolling off the tongue in no time!


AMRAP: as many reps (or rounds) as possible

BJ: box jump

BJO: box jump over

BMU: bar muscle up

BOB: ball (or body) over box

BBOB: ball and body over box

BS: back squat

BW: body weight

C&J: clean and jerk

CTB: chest to bar pull ups

DB: dumbbell

DL: deadlift

DNF: did not finish

DU: double under

EMOM: every minute on the minute

FS: front squat

GHD: glute ham developer

HSPU: handstand push up

KB: kettlebell

KTE or K2E: knees to elbow

MU: muscle up

OHS: overhead squat

Rep: repetition, one performance of an exercise

RFT: rounds for time

Rx: as prescribed – workout done exactly as written

SDHP: sumo deadlift high pull

TTB (or T2B): toes to bar

TGU: Turkish get up

WB: wall ball

WOD: workout of the day

YGIG: you go I go


Have you come across any others? Let us know if so and we’ll update the list!