WOD: Wednesday 15th August
20 minute AMRAP in pairs, YGIG
> Row 20/18 cal
> 10 push ups
10 minute EMOM: strict pull ups
This interval workout should be performed at high intensity, with an equal work:rest ratio (you rest while your partner works). Transition quickly from the row to the push ups.
Row – the row should take under 1 minute. If you haven’t hit 20/18 calories after 1 minute in round 1, reduce your calories to whatever you have rowed at that point.
Push up – these should be unbroken. Use a box if you can’t knock out sets of 10 from the floor.
Pull up – the 10 min EMOM is a chance to work on your pulling strength. If you can do pull ups, pick a number you think you can hold for the full 10 minutes. If you don’t yet have pull ups, either perform 1-2 negative pull ups each minute, or use a band which will enable you to get 3-5 reps each minute.
Top tips:
Get on to the rower as soon as your partner gets off. Go hard with a sprint start each round and try to hold a consistent time on the row.