WOD: Friday 12th Octboer

100 double unders
90 air squats
80m run
70 skaters
60 KBS (24/16kg)
50 sit ups
40 burpees
30 box jumps (24/20″)
20 pull ups

Double unders – if you can’t do double unders, do 200 single skips instead
Kettlebell – select a weight that enables you to do at least 20 reps unbroken
Box jumps – step up if you’re not confident jumping
Pull ups – if you don’t have pull ups yet, do ring rows
HSPU – if you can’t do HSPU, do down dog HSPU

Top tip:
Keep grinding through and remember you only have to do each movement once, so it’s behind you once you’re through! Think about how you plan to break up each set before you start.