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12 days of Christmas 100m run 2 rope pulls (24/16kg) 3 TTB 4 push ups 5 down ups 6 sit ups 7 air squats 8 DB push press (22.5/15kg) 9 split jumps 10 KBS (24/16kg) 11 startbursts 12 wall climbers Like the song, you’ll start with the run, then 2 rope pulls and run, then 3 TTB, 2 rope pulls and run…. and so on! Scaling: Rope pulls – select a lighter weight if needed TTB – can be scaled to hanging knee raise Push ups – can be scaled to a box Push press – reduce weight if needed Split jumps – can be substituted for stepping lunges KBS – reduce weight if needed Wall climbers – go as high as you’re comfortable Top tip: This is a long workout, just keep ploughing through – you’ll never have to spend too long on one station!

A) Deadlift – build to a heavy triple

B) 15 min AMRAP in pairs:
P1: row
P2: 15 sit ups
Switch once the 15 sit ups have been completed

The deadlifts today will be touch and go reps

No scaling required!

Top tip:
Don’t absolutely cane it on the row at the start or 15 minutes will seem like a long time! Work out smooth transitions on and off the rower.

A) Push press 7 x 5

B) 5 rounds:
> 200m run
> 15 push ups

The focus today is the push press, building weight each set

Push ups – use a box if needed (there are 75 reps in total)

Top tip:
Run hard in the workout; you can get your breath back during the push ups!

32 minute alternating EMOM:

1. 40′ weighted pvc overhead walk
2. 10 strict ring dips
3. 3 L-sit rope climbs
4. 200m run

Weighted walk – we are looking for great position and control in this movement. These are hard… leave your ego at home and don’t go too heavy!
Ring dips – reduce volume or scale to matador/band assisted dips if needed
Rope climbs – reduce volume or do 3 weighted rope pulls 

Top tip:
Today is a chance to really focus on body positions and get some volume in with great form. Maintain focus throughout.

A) Front squat: 10,8,6,4,2,2

B) 20-15-10-5
Front squat (50/35kg)
Burpees over bar

The main focus of today’s class is build to a heavy double front squat.

Front squat – if you squat more than 100/70kg in part A, go Rx. If you squat less than that, use 50% of your heavy double as your weight for the workout
Burpees – these are side on burpees, with a two-footed jump over the bar. Skip or step over the bat if needed.

Top tip:
The weight on the bar should feel light after lifting heavy, but your legs will get sapped in the WOD. Don’t even think about breaking; all sets should be done without putting the bar down!

8 rounds off 4:00

8 DB push press (22.15/15kg)
80m DB carry
8 burpees
80m run

Dumbbell – select a weight that enables you to do 8 reps unbroken (in the early rounds at least)

Top tip:
Race through the burpees and run; the aim is to get some high intensity work done, giving yourself enough time to recover before the next round starts.

Clean EMOM:

0:00-5:00 5 reps per minute
6:00-10:00 3 reps per minute
11:00-15:00 2 reps per minute
16:00-20:00 1 reps per minute

Start light and build the weight each minute.

Scaling: ideally these are squat cleans, but power clean if needed

Top tip: work backwards from the weight you’d like to get to and go up in small increments from the start.


Top tip:4 stations 

5 rounds on each: 40 secs work / 20 secs rest

1. Bike
2. Row
3. Burpees
4. Air squats
5. DB snatch (22.15/15kg)

2 mins rest between stations

DB – use a weight you can move without stopping for 40 seconds

Top tip: don’t go out too hard in the first 40 seconds!