WOD: Friday 31st August
“The 300 Workout”
25 pull ups
50 deadlifts (60/42.5kg)
50 push ups
50 box jumps (24/20″)
50 floor wipers (60/42.5kg)
50 single arm KB clean & jerk (16/12kg)
25 pull ups
Time cap: 25 minutes
This workout was famously used by the cast of the film 300 to help them develop Spartan-esque physiques… Gerrard Butler described it as “difficult in the kind of way where you wish you had never been born”. Obviously we want you to actually enjoy the session and the movements and/or reps can be scaled accordingly!
If you can do the movements/weights but not at that volume, the number of reps can be reduced by 50%. The movements themselves can also be substituted:
Pull ups – jumping pull ups
Deadlifts – weight can be reduced
Box Jumps – height can be reduced
Push ups – can be done from a box
Floor wipers – substitute for sit ups
KB C&J – substitute for kettlebell swing
Top tip: Go at a steady pace throughout and break the reps down into manageable chunks. Never go to failure; always stop when you feel you have a few reps left in the tank. keep your rest intervals short.