WOD: Tuesday 7th August
> Toes to bar
> Burpee box jump over (24/20″)
50 double unders after each round
This workout will test skill under fatigue. We’ll spend time coaching the TTB and double under to find the appropriate scale.
TTB – the first round of 21 should be done in no more than 4 sets. If you can’t link TTB we’ll work on developing the kip and reduce the range of motion to hanging knee raises.
BBJO – the height of the box can be reduced if you aren’t comfortable jumping top 24/20″
Double unders – if you aren’t yet proficient in double unders, reduce the reps or scale to single unders but double the reps to 100.
Top tip:
Find a steady pace on the BBJO and try to stay relaxed on the double unders; TTB will get difficult pretty fast if your grip and shoulders are too tense on the skips.