WOD: Tuesday 11th December

A) Front squat: 10,8,6,4,2,2

B) 20-15-10-5
Front squat (50/35kg)
Burpees over bar

The main focus of today’s class is build to a heavy double front squat.

Front squat – if you squat more than 100/70kg in part A, go Rx. If you squat less than that, use 50% of your heavy double as your weight for the workout
Burpees – these are side on burpees, with a two-footed jump over the bar. Skip or step over the bat if needed.

Top tip:
The weight on the bar should feel light after lifting heavy, but your legs will get sapped in the WOD. Don’t even think about breaking; all sets should be done without putting the bar down!