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“18 in 18”

18 reps of each movement:
1. KB deadlift (24/16kg)
2. KBS (24/16kg)
3. Goblet squat (24/16kg)
4. Pull up
5. Push up
6. Sit up
7. SA DB clean (22.5/15kg)
8. SA DB push press (22.5/15kg)
9. DB snatch (22.5/15kg)
10. Box jump (24/20″)
11. Split jump
12. Double under
13. Plate GTOH (20/15kg)
14. Plate Russian twist (20/15kg)
15. OH plate lunge (20/15kg)
16. Row (cal)
17. Burpee
18. Shuttle run

KB/DB/Plate – for all weighted movements, select a weight that will enable you to do each set unbroken
Pull ups – these can be kipping.  Scale to jumping pull ups if needed
Push ups – scale to knees if needed
Double unders – do 54 single unders if you don’t have doubles
Box jump – step up if you’renot confident jumping

Top tip:
This is a mover…. just keep grinding through!