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12 rounds: 90 seconds on, 90 seconds off

Run + max reps…
A) Slamball to shoulder (50/30kg)
B) Kettlebell swings (24/16kg)
C) Burpees

* run distance increases each round:
1-3: 80m
4-6: 120m
7-9: 160m
10-12: 200m

As the run distance increases you’ll have less time on the second movement, so get your head down! With equal work:rest you’ll have time to recover before each new interval.

Slamball – choose a weight you can keep moving
Kettlebell – choose a weight that’s on could do 20 unbroken swings fresh. Aim is to keep the swings unbroken each round

Top tip:
Start the second movement as soon as you get back from the run; you’ll have plenty of time to get your breath back during the rest interval.