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Monday Runday: Benchmark 1

2 rounds, 90 seconds work / 90 seconds rest

200m run, plus max reps:
1) burpees
2) kettlebell swings (24/16kg)
3) goblet squats (24/16kg)
4) split jumps
5) DB snatch (22.5/15kg)

The aim of this HIIT session is to hit the run fast each time and get as many reps as possible of the other movement.

With equal work:rest you should have time to recover enough to hit each run hard.

We’ll repeat this benchmark workout in the future, so go as hard as you can and use this as a test in a few months’ time to see how much you’ve improved.

Run – if you can’t complete 200m in under 60seconds, reduce the distance
KB/DB movements – the weight should be something you can keep moving consistently. Reduce weight if necessary.

Top tip:
Don’t think about what’s coming next, simply focus on each run, then focus on the movement in hand; you’ll have plenty of time to recover during the 90 second rest period. In round 2, try to get the same number of each movement as you did in the first round (but no cruising on round 1!)