WOD: Monday 11th February

In a 30 minute window:
3 rounds
50 air squats
400m run
30 DL (42.5/30kg)
20 push press (42.5/30kg)
10 front rack lunges each leg (42.5/30kg)

In remaining time:
max rounds of “Cindy” (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats)

It’s a long one today! The weight on the bar should feel light for all movements. Get through the 3 rounds and then give your legs a little break on the pull ups and push ups!

Barbell – the weight should feel light on all 3 movements (ideally all rounds should be unbroken). Reduce accordingly if needed.
Pull ups – reduce volume (minimum 3) or do jumping pull ups if you don’t have pull ups yet 
Push ups – use a box if you need to. You should be able to confidently do 10 unbroken at your chosen scale when fresh

Top tip:

Keep it steady throughout. 30 minutes is long as CrossFit workouts go.