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30 minute alternating EMOM

A) 8 slamball to shoulder (50/30kg)
B) Prowler push 40kg (30/20m)
C) 10 DB box step overs (15/10kg, 24/20″)

This is one movement every minute for 10 rounds; the faster you get the reps done, the more rest you get before the next movement.

This may look easy, but rest assured it will get tough. Scale appropriately!

Slamball – the reps or weight can be reduced
Prowler – reduce distance rather than weight
Dumbell – reduce dumbbell weight rather than lowering the box

Top tip:
During the warm up we’ll test your weight and rep range to ensure you pick an appropriate number. You should pick scales that enable you to complete the work in no more than 40 seconds when fresh; overegg it at your peril!